Four Creative Self-Portrait Photography Ideas

Taking a creative self-portrait is one way to express who you are online. You can use it to update your social media profile or add a fresh headshot to your personal website, replacing outdated images of yourself from the past like new casino do to their outdated games.

Whether the setting is casual or formal, finding a way to make your self-portrait unique will help you stand out from the crowd.

Here is list of creative self-portrait ideas that you can try.


Reflections are all around us, but very few people stop to notice them. Self-portrait photography, they are ideal for capturing images of yourself from a whole new perspective.

You can look for reflections in mirrors, windows, and bodies of water, but setting up the right self-portrait can be challenging. Try adjusting your height to get the right angle, especially if your image is being reflected in water that is low to the ground.

Take some time to set up the composition and play around with what you can see in the background, including what’s in the shot and what you can see in the reflected scene. Luckily, when it comes to self-portraits, you have plenty of time on your own to get it just right.

In Water

One way to capture a self-portrait that is truly unique is to immerse yourself in the element of water. It can create a composition that is soft and dreamlike, without the distraction of material possessions, and you can check Dwight Yorke Instagram for some of these.

You don’t have to travel out to the ocean or a lake either because a bathtub or pool works just as well. To set up the image, you will want to keep the camera close to your face, using the water to frame the picture and leaving out anything else in the background.

Glare will be one of the biggest challenges, but shooting at dawn or dusk makes it easy to keep the sun out of shot. The light will also be softer at this time and ideal for casting warm golden colours.

There are a few more tips and tricks for capturing photos of bodies of water that will similarly help in this situation, including using a filter and bringing along a tripod to help compose the shot.

Obscured Face

Obscuring your face in a self-portrait creates a sense of mystique. It can add to the feeling of curiosity about who the person is by not revealing everything in plain sight.

It’s also practical for people who don’t want to show their face on social media, letting them be anonymous at a time when anyone can find out who you are with a quick search online.

There are lots of different objects you can use to obscure your face like holding a bunch of flowers or using a mirror. For those with long hair, you can use it to hide your face from view while also adding a windswept look to the image.

Flat Lay

A flat lay image is created by taking a photograph from directly above a subject looking down—think bird’s-eye view—while the subject is lying flat on a surface.

You can keep the background minimal by going for a grassy field or a basketball court, or you can try adding objects to the frame to add context.

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