Best Bitters for Old Fashioned

Best Bitters for Old Fashioned

The Old Fashioned is one of the most iconic cocktails in the world. This simple yet flavorful drink typically contains whiskey, sugar, bitters, and water. While the original Old Fashioned recipe only called for a dash or two of bitters, the bitters play an integral role in balancing and rounding out the flavours.

With the variety of bitters available today, choosing the right one can make all the difference in an Old Fashioned. The bitters complement the flavours from the whiskey and other ingredients, adding depth, aroma, and character to the cocktail. This guide will explore the best bitters for old-fashioned.

What Are Bitters and How Do They Work in an Old Fashioned?

What Are Bitters and How Do They Work in an Old Fashioned

Bitters are potent tinctures made from various roots, barks, herbs, spices, and botanicals. Most bitters contain a high amount of alcohol along with concentrated flavors from their ingredients. Just a few dashes of bitters contain complex layers of taste including bitter, sweet, and savory elements.

In an Old Fashioned, bitters work to enhance the flavors from the whiskey and balance out the sweetness. The bitters add depth and dimension, bringing out notes like citrus, spice, vanilla, chocolate and dried fruit. As a finishing touch, they provide aroma to the cocktail. The right bitters can truly elevate an Old Fashioned from good to great.

Traditional Angostura Bitters

Of all the bitters used in an Old Fashioned, Angostura is the most traditional choice. In fact, the earliest recipes for the drink simply call for “bitters”, implying Angostura’s prominence.

Created in 1824 by Dr. Johann Gottlieb Benjamin Siegert in Venezuela, Angostura bitters have a distinctive, complex flavor profile. The bitters are made from tropical herbs and spices like gentian, cinnamon, cloves, and citrus peel.

Angostura brings deep flavors of spice, oak, vanilla and dried fruit to balance the sweetness and spirit in an Old Fashioned. Just a few dashes add layers of aroma and taste. Angostura’s complexity shines through, making it a perfect choice for a well-crafted Old Fashioned.

Orange Bitters for a Bright Twist

Orange Bitters for a Bright Twist

While traditional Angostura bitters are most common, orange bitters can put a citrusy twist on an Old Fashioned. Orange bitters contain distillates from the zest of Seville oranges along with caraway seed, cardamom and other spices.

Just a couple dashes of orange bitters will accentuate the citrus and fruit notes from the whiskey in an Old Fashioned. They brighten up the flavor with orange and lemon tones. Orange bitters complement sweet whiskeys like bourbon particularly well.

Brands like Regans’ Orange Bitters No. 6 or Fee Brothers West Indian Orange Bitters are great options. Their orange and spice flavors contrast nicely with the spirit, creating a lively, vibrant Old Fashioned.

Peychaud’s Bitters for a New Orleans-Style Drink

Peychaud’s Bitters hail from New Orleans and lend a unique Creole influence to an Old Fashioned. These bitters have a rich history dating back to 1830s New Orleans. They were created by pharmacist Antoine Amédée Peychaud and served at the famous Sazerac Bar.

The main flavors in Peychaud’s come from gentian root, spices, citrus, and Peychaud’s secret family recipe. They have an anise, licorice note along with warm spices and fresh citrus.

Just a few dashes of Peychaud’s Bitters complement the sweet vanilla flavors of a bourbon Old Fashioned beautifully. They bring a distinctive Creole flair that’s both refreshing and complex. Peychaud’s is the perfect choice for a New Orleans or Sazerac-style Old Fashioned.

Cherry Bark and Vanilla Bitters for a Rich Cocktail

Cherry Bark and Vanilla Bitters for a Rich Cocktail

Cherry bark and vanilla bitters like Fee Brothers or Woodford Reserve add wonderful depth and richness to an Old Fashioned. They highlight the caramel, vanilla and oak flavors from favorite bourbon and rye whiskeys.

These bitters contain Tasmanian cherry bark, vanilla beans, allspice, cardamom and other spices. They have a slightly medicinal, bitter cherry taste along with vanilla sweetness. The little nuances complement aged spirits beautifully.

Just a couple dashes enhance the vanilla and oak notes of the whiskey. They provide a mellow richness and smooth drinkability that’s absolutely perfect for an Old Fashioned. If you want to accentuate the sweet, woody flavors of the whiskey, cherry vanilla bitters are an excellent choice.

Chocolate Bitters for Decadence

For those with a sweet tooth, chocolate bitters can add a decadent twist to an Old Fashioned. These specialty bitters contain cacao extract along with warm spices like ancho chili, vanilla, cinnamon and cardamom.

Renowned brands like Fee Brothers and Bittermens both produce chocolate bitters that enhance the flavor intricacies of bourbon and rye. The bitters complement the vanilla and caramel notes, bringing out creamy chocolate tones in the whiskey. Just a dash or two lends delicious mocha flavors.

Chocolate bitters pair exceptionally well with sweeter bourbons or ryes in an Old Fashioned. They add sweet complexity without overpowering the cocktail. For whiskey lovers, they make a decadent after dinner treat.

Grapefruit and Honey Bitters for a Perfectly Balanced Cocktail

Grapefruit and honey bitters like those from Dashfire add zesty citrus flavors along with a touch of sweetness to balance the Old Fashioned beautifully. They contain grapefruit extracts along with honey, ginger and hops for a bright, sweet-tart flavor profile.

The grapefruit accents the citrus qualities of the whiskey. The honey provides the perfect amount of sweetness to complement the sugar cube in the recipe. Together, these bitters produce an incredibly balanced, food-friendly Old Fashioned.

Grapefruit honey bitters pair well with spice-forward ryes like Sazerac. Their grapefruit and honey tones work synergistically with the rye whiskey to create a refreshing, complex Old Fashioned.

Smoked Spice Bitters for a Unique Twist

Smoked spice bitters like Bitter Truth or Bittermilk add bold flavors of smoke, chile pepper, and warm spices to an Old Fashioned. They provide a nice contrast to mellow, aged bourbons and ryes.

These bitters often contain cloves, allspice, chipotle and mezcal which add subtle smoky and spicy flavors. The smokiness accentuates the oak notes from the barrel-aged whiskey. The spices complement sweeter bourbons.

Just a few drops of smoked spice bitters can impart a wonderfully unique twist on an Old Fashioned. For adventurous old fashioned drinkers, they add exciting new dimensions to the classic cocktail.

Choosing Complimentary Flavors

Choosing Complimentary Flavors

One of the keys to choosing the perfect bitters is picking flavors that will accentuate and enhance the flavors already present in the whiskey. For example, cherry bark vanilla bitters highlight the vanilla and caramel notes in bourbon. Orange bitters accentuate the citrus qualities of a rye like Sazerac.

Consider the flavor profile of the specific spirit and choose bitters that will compliment it. Spice-forward ryes pair well with citrus or chocolate bitters. Sweeter bourbons work nicely with cherry, vanilla or orange bitters. Let the whiskey lead the way.

Less Is More with Bitters

When adding bitters to an Old Fashioned, a little goes a long way. Most recipes call for just 2 to 4 dashes of bitters total. Too much can easily overpower the flavor of the whiskey.

Start with just a few dashes of bitters and add more if needed. You can always add more bitters to taste. But once you’ve added too much, there’s no taking it back. Err on the side of fewer dashes to accentuate the whiskey rather than mask it.

Quality Ingredients Are Key

One of the most important factors in a stellar Old Fashioned is using quality ingredients. Along with a good bourbon or rye, seek out high quality artisanal bitters. Many small batch bitters offer superior flavor and complexity.

Mass produced bitters often rely more on artificial flavors rather than natural botanicals. They can have an overly bitter, unpleasant flavor. Opt for small batch bitters made with careful craftsmanship.

Homemade Old Fashioned Bitters

For the truly adventurous, you can even craft your own homemade Old Fashioned bitters to customize the flavors. Some recipes call for ingredients like:

  • Dried orange peel
  • Cardamom pods
  • Coriander seeds
  • Juniper berries
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Whole cloves
  • Caraway seed
  • Cacao nibs
  • Vanilla beans

Simply steep the ingredients in high proof alcohol for a few weeks before straining out the solids. This will produce a homemade tincture that can be added in dashes to an Old Fashioned. Tailor the ingredients to create signature bitters designed specifically for the flavors you want.

Best Bitters for the Perfect Old Fashioned

While traditional Angostura remains a timeless choice, don’t be afraid to get creative with bitters brands and flavors. Here are some recommended bitters for an exceptional Old Fashioned:

  • Angostura – The classic choice that can’t be beat. Deep spice and oak notes.
  • Peychaud’s – For a New Orleans style. Anise and rich complexity.
  • Orange – Bright citrus flavors to accentuate rye or bourbon.
  • Cherry Bark Vanilla – Perfect for highlighting caramel sweetness.
  • Chocolate – For extra richness complementing bourbon’s vanilla.
  • Grapefruit Honey – Ideal for balance against the sugar cube.
  • Smoked Spice – Adds a unique smokiness.

The bitters you choose will depend on the bourbon or rye and the flavor experience you want. Don’t limit yourself to just traditional Angostura. With the wide range available, choose bitters that enhance the flavors already present in the whiskey. A few dashes can truly elevate an Old Fashioned into a memorable drinking experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why use bitters in an Old Fashioned?

Bitters are an essential ingredient in an Old Fashioned. Just a few dashes add depth of flavor, complexity, and aroma to the cocktail. Bitters balance out the sweetness and enhance the flavors from the whiskey.

  1. Where should I add bitters in an Old Fashioned?

Traditionally, dash the bitters onto a sugar cube before muddling it with a bit of water. This allows the bitters to integrate with the sugar before adding the whiskey. You can also dash the bitters directly into the glass with the whiskey and ice.

  1. What’s the difference between Angostura and Peychaud’s bitters?
  • Angostura has deep spice notes of cinnamon, clove, and oak. Peychaud’s has more anise, licorice, and lighter spice flavors.
  1. Should I use orange bitters or Angostura in an Old Fashioned?

Orange bitters will add brightness, fruitiness, and citrus flavors. Angostura provides more potent spice, oak, and vanilla notes. Most classic recipes call for Angostura.

  1. How many dashes of bitters should I add to an Old Fashioned?

Most recipes call for 2 to 4 dashes of bitters total. Start with 2 to complement the whiskey without overpowering it. Add more to taste if needed. Less is more when it comes to bitters.


Choosing the bitters for old  fashioned can take an ordinary Old Fashioned to extraordinary new heights. While Angostura remains the most traditional option, don’t be afraid to experiment with different bitters. Let the bourbon or rye whiskey lead the way. Choose bitters that accentuate the existing flavors in the spirit. A few simple dashes creates a beautifully complex, flavorful Old Fashioned sure to satisfy any whiskey lover.

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